Course Outcome

B.Sc. Geology


Course code

Course title

Course outcomes

I (core)

GL 1141

General Perspectives of Geology

CO 1: Understand the significance of various branches of Geology, the concept of rock cycle; describe characteristics of earth and its origin in relation to the Solar System and the Geological Time Scale.
CO 2: Understand and explain endogenic processes, the theories and hypothesis of plate tectonics, Continental drift and Sea-floor spreading; ideas of plate boundaries, plate movements and associated geological features.
CO 3: Understand and explain Mountains and types, volcanoes, their classification, products and global distribution; and earthquakes, types, causes, effects; elastic rebound theory, seismic waves, scale of measures and seismic belts of world.
CO 4: Understand the various field methods in Geology, the principles and accessories

I (core)

GL 1442

Practical – Physical Geology, Geomorphology, Crystallography and Mineralogy

CO 1: Understand the applications of geological field instruments, toposheets and maps.
CO 2: Determine slope of terrain, latitude and longitude, distance
between places in toposheets; and epicenter of earthquakes

II (core)

GL 1221

Geoinformatics and Geomorphology

CO 1: Understand the basic aspects of Photogeology and Remote Sensing in relation to electromagnetic spectrum; fundamentals of GIS and applications of remote sensing and GIS in the field of geosciences.
CO 2: Understand and explain exogenic processes, with emphasis on weathering, soils and mass wasting.
CO 3: Understand and describe the different geological agents, viz., streams, groundwater, oceans, glaciers, wind and lakes.
CO 4: Understand and illustrate the geological actions of the various geological agents and their associated landform features

II (core)

GL 1442

Practical – Physical Geology, Geomorphology, Crystallography and Mineralogy

CO 1: Identify drainage patterns and landforms and delineate drainage basins in toposheets; illustrate hydrological cycle, drainage networks, stream meanders and ox-bow lakes and dune types.
CO 2: Prepare thematic maps from toposheets and carry out morphometric analysis of simple drainage basins.

III (core)

GL 1341

Crystallography and Physical Mineralogy

CO 1: Understand the elements of crystallography, the morphology and symmetry elements of crystals, the laws of crystallography, working principle of Goniometer; describe the classification of crystals into systems and classes, explain crystal notations and indices and the types of crystal forms.
CO 2: Understand and describe the symmetry, simple forms and combinations of the different crystal classes of the six crystal systems.
CO 3: Understand and explain the various aspects of twinning and imperfections in crystals such as the elements of twinning, the twin laws, and acquire basic knowledge of types
of crystallographic projections and application of Wulff net.
CO 4: Understand basic ideas of Mineralogy regarding its scope and aim; and describe the important physical properties of minerals.

III (core)

GL 1442

Practical – Physical Geology, Geomorphology, Crystallography and Mineralogy

CO 1: Describe and illustrate the symmetry elements and identify and describe the crystal models of Normal classes of the six crystal systems.
CO 2: Determine and explain the various physical properties of minerals

IV (core)

GL 1441

Optical, Chemical and Descriptive Mineralogy

CO 1: Understand the basic concepts and principles of Optical Mineralogy; describe the parts and uses of Petrological microscope and optical accessories and explain pleochroism, birefringence and indicatrix.
CO 2: Understand the ideas of Chemical Mineralogy and explain bonds in minerals; morphological characters of minerals and solid solution and exsolution in minerals.
CO 3: Understand and describe classification of minerals and silicate structures.
CO 4: Understand and explain systematically the physical, chemical and optical properties of silicate and non-silicate minerals.

IV (core)

GL 1442

Practical – Physical Geology, Geomorphology, Crystallography and Mineralogy

CO 1: Describe the megascopic properties of minerals and identify different minerals.
CO 2: Determine and describe the various optical properties of important minerals under the microscope.

V (core)

GL 1541

Igneous Petrology

CO 1: Understand the basic concept of rock cycle, origin of igneous rocks from magma, the Bowen’s reaction series; explain
the important binary systems, the petrotectonic settings and diversity of igneous rocks in relation to various processes.
CO 2: Understand, classify and explain the forms of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks and the different igneous structures and textures.
CO 3: Understand, classify and describe the different modes of classification of igneous rocks and explain CIPW norm and normative minerals.
CO 4: Understand and explain systematically the texture, mineralogy, classification, occurrence and origin of granites and basalts; and describe the brief petrographic character of common igneous rocks.

V (core)

GL 1542

Sedimentary Petrology and Metamorphic Petrology

CO 1: Understand and explain the basic concept of origin of sedimentary rocks, their classification, textures and structures.
CO 2: Understand, classify and explain the categorization of sedimentary rocks, describe the characteristics and classification
of important sedimentary rocks like sandstone, limestone and acquire ideas of chemical and biochemical sedimentary rocks.
CO 3: Understand the concept of metamorphism and metamorphic rocks; explain the origin of metamorphic rocks, the factors, limits and types of metamorphism; and categorize and describes the metamorphic grade concept, metamorphic mineral zone concept and metamorphic facies concept.

V (core)

GL 1543


CO 1: Understand and explain significance of palaeontology, the conditions and methods of fossilization, classification and nomenclature of fossils and the basic principles of Taxonomy, Systematics and Binomial nomenclature.
CO 2: Understand and explain the morphology, classification,
geological history and stratigraphic importance of Phylum Protozoa, Phylum Coelenterata – Class Anthozoa, Phylum Brachiopoda, Phylum Mollusca
CO 3: Understand and describe the morphology, classification, geological history and stratigraphic importance of the Phyla
Arthropoda, Echinodermata and Hemichordata
CO 4: Understand the basic ideas of Micropalaeontology and describe the characteristics of important plant fossils.

V (core)

GL 1544

Environmental Geology

CO 1: Understand and explain the basic concepts of Environmental Geoscience,  describe the significance of anthropogenic environment and natural resources, explain the concept of sustainable development and highlight the impacts of mining on the environment.
CO 2: Understand and describe the various aspects of environmental
especially water and air pollution
CO 3: Understand and describe the basic ideas of Environmental Planning and Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental awareness and the laws; role of geologists in environmental conservation.
CO 4: Understand and explain various natural hazards like Earthquakes, Storms, Floods, etc. and their environmental consequences.

V (core)

GL 1644

Practical – Petrology and Palaeontology

CO 1: Understand and describe the megascopic and microscopic properties of important igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and identify the rocks.
CO 2: Understand, identify, draw and describe the megascopic characteristics of important fossils belonging to various Phyla and important plant fossils and identify them.

V (open course)

GL 1551.1

Disaster Management

CO 1: Understand and explain the basic concepts, terminologies and classification of Hazard and Disaster; Disaster Management and Disaster Management Plan.
CO 2: Understand the various natural disasters, describe facts related to climate change, causes and effects.
CO 3: Understand and describe the Disaster Risk management strategies; the institutional frameworks; application of IT in Disaster Risk management; Disaster Management Act and Policy.
CO 4: Understand and describe Hazard and vulnerability situation in India and Kerala; types of disasters - their prevention and mitigation

VI (core)

GL 1641

Economic Geology

CO 1: Understand history of development of Economic Geology, the terminologies associated with the subject and the classification schemes of economic mineral deposits.
CO 2: Understand and explain the various processes of formation of ore mineral deposits.
CO 3: Understand and describe metallogenic epochs and provinces with reference to India and describe materials for Abrasives, Refractories, Ceramics and Cement; Gemstones; Strategic and Critical minerals.
CO 4: Understand and describe the Mineral Policy of India; fuel minerals coal and petroleum - their origin, mode of occurrence and distribution in India

VI (core)

GL 1642

Stratigraphy and Structural Geology

CO 1: Understand and describe the basic principles of Stratigraphy and breaks in stratigraphic successions
CO 2: Understand and describe the basic terminologies in Structural Geology, the Rule of V’s and characteristics of primary and secondary structures.
CO 3: Understand and describe rock deformation, concepts and applications of stereographic projection in Structural Geology, and geological mapping techniques and procedures.
CO 4: Understand and describe the folds, faults and joints with reference to their origin, terminologies, classification and geological significance

VI (core)

GL 1643

Stratigraphy of India

CO 1: Understand and describe the physiographic and geological divisions of India and acquire knowledge about cratons and mobile belts.
CO 2: Understand and describe the Early Precambrian and Late Precambrian formations of India
CO 3: Understand and describe the important Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations of India
CO 4: Understand and describe the stratigraphy of Kerala and explain the characteristics of the Precambrian terrain of Kerala

VI (core)

GL 1645

Practical – Economic Geology and Structural Geology

CO 1: Understand and describe the megascopic properties and identify important ore and industrial minerals.
CO 2: Understand and illustrate the important structural features and attitude of beds; Rule of V’s, draw and carry out the procedures of analysis of geological maps with different
structural features; work out problems related to true and apparent dip, and draw stereographic projections of structural features

VI (core)

GL 1651.1

Groundwater Investigation and Management

CO 1: Understand groundwater in relation to hydrological cycle and explain hydrometeorology and its significance.
CO 2: Understand and describe the occurrence of groundwater, the properties of aquifers and their types; define and explain the Darcy’s law governing groundwater movement and flow directions.
CO 3: Understand and describe the groundwater investigation techniques and pumping tests for determination of aquifer parameters.
CO 4: Understand and describe the groundwater provinces of India and the groundwater conditions in Kerala.

VI (core)

GL 1646

Project and Study tour/Field work

CO 1: Understand the techniques of geological mapping, the instruments used during geological fieldwork and carry out geological field work and collect geological samples.
CO 2: Visit recognized geological institutions and departments within India and understand the geological activities and research carried out by these institutions; and develop the knowhow of geological fieldwork report writing.
CO 3: Carry out geological field work under an assigned project scheme, collect samples, do laboratory analysis, create relevant maps and diagrams and prepare a report of the work done based on field work and laboratory analysis.